Teucer of Babylon

Teucer of Babylon was an ancient Greek-Egyptian astrologer of uncertain date, though possibly of the first century AD. He is used as a source by Vettius Valens.
The 'Babylon' in his name is the fort near Cairo, not the ancient city in Mesopotamia.
“For example, suppose that the Sun is at ten degrees in the first decan of Aries, in the face of Arēs (Mars). Since then, we have found that the Sun signifies matters of the soul, you will find the soul of this manly spirit to be irascible, delighting in battle, arms-loving, and the like. But again, suppose that the Sun is at 20 degrees in the second decan of Aries in the face of the Sun; it signifies that such a manly spirit is bright in his soul, a lover of fame and of honor and not at all delighting in battle. But again, suppose that the Sun is at 30 degrees of Aries, in the face of Aphroditē (Venus); it signifies that his manly spirit is feminine-souled, of the female type.”
This fragment is survived from the lost book on decans by Teucher of Babylon (3rd C.E.), highly commended by Antiochus/Porphyry. The translation here is of Robert Schmidt in the book ‘The Astrological Record of Early Sages in Greek’.
[1] "A History of Horoscopic Astrology" by J. Holden
[2] "Beyond the Heaven " by J. Holden
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